SUP, Kayak
& Dinghy pack
The SUP, Kayak & Dinghy pack contains all lights needed to equip most boats up 12m with Navigation lights in compliance with COLREG 72.
The Navilight 360° might be used as all-round white light or for example as sternlight while the Tricolor serves as red/green sidelight in the bow.
Both lights are equipped with a dual function suction mount – holding either the Navilights, a GoPro®/Action camera or any other accessory utilizing the mounting bracket.
Contains the lights and mountings needed to equip most boats up to 12m with Navigation lights in compliance with 72 COLREGs – if the boats infrastructure allows, that the Masthead light can be positioned at least 1 m (3.3 ft) above the sidelights.
On a power-driven vessel of 12 meters or more in length but less than 50 meters in length:
as green or red sidelight
as sternlight
All-round white light
On a power-driven vessel of less than 12 meters in length:
as green or red sidelight
as combined green / red
as sternlight
Masthead light
On a sailing vessel underway:
as green or red sidelight
as sternlight
All-round white light
On a sailing vessel of less than 20 meters in lengths as backup light:
TriColor lantern at or near the top of the mast
Vessel under oars
All-round white light
Anchored vessels and vessels aground
Anchor lights must always be shown from sunset to sunrise.
All-round white light